Browsing Ruralis Brage by Author "Vik, Jostein"
Now showing items 1-20 of 43
Balanced readiness level assessment (BRLa): A tool for exploring new and emerging technologies
Vik, Jostein; Melås, Anders; Stræte, Egil Petter; Søraa, Roger Andre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In this paper a methodology for a balanced readiness assessment of novel agricultural technologies is developed and presented. The methodology expand on the well-known Technology Readiness Level (TRL) assessments, with a ... -
Biochar systems: Developing a socio-technical system framework for biochar production in Norway
Otte, Pia Piroschka; Vik, Jostein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Biochar is charcoal produced from feedstock under pyrolysis. It has gained interests among researchers in recent years because of its agronomic and environmental benefits. It is considered to increase soil fertility and ... -
Bioenergi mellom nasjonal politikk og regional variasjon - en sammenlignende studie av omfang og drivkrefter i Hedmark, Møre og Romsdal og Nord-Trøndelag. Rapport 6/09
Forbord, Magnar; Vik, Jostein (Rapport;06/2009, Research report, 2009)Norge må øke andelen fornybar energi, bl.a. bioenergi. Andelen bioenergi er i dag 6-7 %, litt over gjennomsnittet i EU. Det politiske målet er dobling i bioenergibruken innen 2020. I studien viser vi hva bioenergi betyr ... -
Books, Branding and Boundary Objects: On the Use of Image in Rural Development
Vik, Jostein; Villa, Mariann (Journal article, 2010)This article addresses the use of image building in rural community development. We see rural image construction as taking place between the need for broadness and inclusiveness to mobilise locally, and the need for ... -
Boundaryless boundary-objects: Digital fencing of the CyborGoat in rural Norway
Søraa, Roger Andre; Vik, Jostein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This article describes a case study of virtual herding and digital fencing technology implementation for goats in Norway. With the abolishing of physical fences, the goats can roam free in a physical sense, but in the ... -
Bygdeutviklingsmidlene og bonden. En delrapport om BU-midlenes effekt på bøndenes holdninger og tilpasninger
Storstad, Oddveig; Vik, Jostein (Rapport;07/2009, Research report, 2009)Denne rapporten er en delrapport under en evaluering av de fylkesvise bygdeutviklingsmidlene som forvaltes av Innovasjon Norge. Evalueringen er utført av Norsk senter for bygdeforskning og Norsk institutt for landbruks-økonomisk ... -
Centre-periphery conflicts and alienation in a resource-based economy
Vik, Jostein; Fuglestad, Eirik Magnus; Øversveen, Emil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Since the early 2010s, increased centre-periphery tensions have arisen across the Western Hemisphere and have had a significant influence on domestic policies. Analysts have explained this as an effect of economic inequalities ... -
Compressed growth – The transforming power of the round bale technology
Fuglestad, Eirik Magnus; Vik, Jostein; Finstad, Terje; Søraa, Roger Andre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Silage bailer technology preserving harvested grass and turning it into silage by a baling machine attached to a tractor is common in most rural regions in Norway. In this paper, we argue that not only have silage bales ... -
Critical support for different stages of innovation in agriculture: What, when, how?
Stræte, Egil Petter; Vik, Jostein; Fuglestad, Eirik Magnus; Gjefsen, Mads Dahl; Melås, Anders Mahlum; Søraa, Roger Andre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Development of local and regional forest based bioenergy in Norway - Supply networks, financial support and political commitment
Forbord, Magnar; Vik, Jostein; Hillring, Bengt Gunnar (Journal article, 2012)This paper explores reasons of growth of new bioenergy firms in Norway. Norwegian authorities have a stated goal of doubling the use of bioenergy by 2020, as a way of developing the renewable energy sector and providing ... -
Diversification and the Entrepreneurial Motivations of Farmers in Norway
Vik, Jostein; McElwee, Gerard (Journal article, 2011)A series of significant pressures but also new opportunities face the agricultural sector in developed economies. Farm diversification is presented as a political solution and a viable business strategy and highlights the ... -
Embedded competence: A study of farmers’ relation to competence and knowledge.
Vik, Jostein; Stræte, Egil Petter (Lecture, 2017) -
Farvel til fiskeren? Om frafall og rekruttering til fiske
Johnsen, Jahn Petter; Vik, Jostein; Sønvisen, Signe Annie (Chapter, 2013) -
Finanskrisens bakteppe - De nyliberale ideene og liberaliseringen på Island
Solberg, Terje; Vik, Jostein (Journal article, 2011)Denne artikkelen forklarer den drastiske endringen i økonomisk politikk på Island i de to tiårene forut for finanskrisen i 2008, som bidro til at Island ble så hardt rammet av finanskrisen. Artikkelen fokuserer på forholdet ... -
Food security in welfare capitalism: Comparing social entitlements to food in Australia and Norway
Richards, Carol; Kjærnes, Unni; Vik, Jostein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016) -
Food, farmers, and the future: Investigating prospects of increased food production within a national context
Forbord, Magnar; Vik, Jostein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)With international food price shocks in 2008 and 2011, food security became a political priority in many countries. In addition, some politicians have recently adopted a more nationalistic stance. Against that background, ... -
Forsyningskjeder for bioenergi - nettverk og kritiske faktorer. Rapport 1/11
Forbord, Magnar; Vik, Jostein (Rapport;01/2011, Research report, 2011)Bioenergi kan gi fornybar energi og være en inntektsmulighet i distriktene. Myndighetenes mål er at bioenergibruken dobles innen 2020. Samtidig viser studier at det er krevende å oppnå god økonomi. Likevel etableres nye ... -
Fôrproduksjon, strukturutvikling og landbrukspolitikk.
Vik, Jostein (Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning, Research report, 2016) -
Framing the environment - Disputes and developments in the management of Norwegian salmon fjords
Aasetre, Jørund; Vik, Jostein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013) -
Governance and growth - A case study of Norwegian whey protein concentrate exports
Vik, Jostein; Kvam, Gunn-Turid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)