Browsing Publikasjoner fra CRIStin by Title
Now showing items 316-335 of 483
Oversikt over norsk og global akvakultur og akvafôr
(Research report, 2021) -
Overvekt blant bygdebarn - årsaker og forebygging
(Research report, 2017) -
Overweight and obesity among children in rural areas: The importance of culture
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Paradoxes of a Women's Organization in the Forestry Industry
(Chapter, 2015) -
Partnerskap for lyst og næring? Evaluering av blilyst:-)-programmet i Sør-Trøndelag
(Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning, Research report, 2006) -
Path-dependencies in Norwegian dairy and beef farming communities: Implications for climate mitigation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Within Norwegian agriculture, combined dairy and beef production has been identified as a major source of greenhouse gas emissions and thus targeted for significant reductions. The article examines the path dependency of ... -
På gjengrodde stier. Turisters forståelser av et landskap i endring
(Chapter, 2012) -
På sporet av det rurale
(Chapter, 2011) -
Perceived effects of climate policy on rural areas and agriculture: A rural-urban divide
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Climate policies may have adverse geographically unequal socio-economic impacts that, if left unaddressed, may hamper their implementation. This paper examines factors explaining rural-urban perceptions of the effects of ... -
Periferiens politiske økonomi i sentrum - nokre refleksjonar
(Chapter, 2020) -
Physical activity among Norwegian adolescents- a multilevel analysis of how place of residence is associated with health behaviour: the Young-HUNT study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013) -
Political parties' framing of farm animal welfare: A fragmented picture
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In this article, we draw from qualitative interviews with political parties' representatives and a content analysis of party programs to identify how political parties frame animal welfare policies in Norway. In analyzing ... -
Politikk for jordbruksrådgiving i EUs medlemsland
(Notat (Ruralis), Research report, 2024) -
Politisk organisering og ordninger for nærdemokrati i sammenslåtte kommuner
(Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning, Research report, 2018) -
Praktisering av regelen om boplikt på landbrukseiendom: En analyse basert på saker i utvalgte kommuner. Rapport 2/08
(Rapport;02/2008, Research report, 2008)I Norge er det regler om boplikt på landbrukseiendom. Ved konsesjonsfri overdragelse er regelen at det er boplikt (lovbestemt boplikt), men det kan søkes om fritak. Ved over-dragelser som krever konsesjon skal det vurderes ... -
Praktisering av regelen om boplikt på landbrukseiendommer. En analyse basert på saker i utvalgte kommuner
(Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning, Research report, 2008) -
Priorities for social science and humanities research on the challenges of moving beyond animal-based food systems
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Increasingly high-profile research is being undertaken into the socio-environmental challenges associated with the over-production and consumption of food from animals. Transforming food systems to mitigate climate change ... -
Private Property in the Context of Community
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The dominant philosophy of private land ownership—that private property exists for the benefit of its owner and that use and ownership should be determined by market forces—is not the only philosophy in the American ... -
Produksjonspotensial i jordbruket og nasjonal sjølforsyning med mat. Utredning for Klimautvalget 2050
(NIBIO Rapport, Research report, 2023)Mulighetene for et mest mulig plantebasert kosthold basert på norske arealressurser er beskrevet gitt ulike alternativer for framtidig avlingsnivå og arealbruk i planteproduksjonen anslått ut fra agroklimatiske forhold. ... -
The promised land? Exploring the future visions and narrative silences of cellular agriculture in news and industry media
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)