Blar i Publikasjoner fra CRIStin på tittel
Viser treff 405-424 av 483
The role of multi-actor governance in aligning farm modernization and sustainable rural development
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018) -
The Role of Public Land Use Planning in Facilitating Conservation on Private Land
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)The provision of landscape-level public goods such as scenery or adequate wildlife habitat requires coordination amongst many landowners whose private decisions can, in the aggregate, produce outcomes with which they ... -
The second home phenomenon and Norwegian rurality
(Journal article, 2011)The article analyses how recent developments relating to the second homes phenomenon are intertwined with fundamental changes in the character of rurality in Norwegian society. Building on Halfacree's three-dimensional ... -
The Social Robot: A Study of the Social and Political Aspects of Automatic Milking Systems
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017) -
The structural disempowerment of Eastern European migrant farm workers in Norwegian agriculture
(Journal article, 2010)Since the 2004 EU enlargement established one European common labour market, a large number of Eastern Europeans have taken up seasonal employment as hired farm workers in Norwegian agriculture. Much attention in the public ... -
The succession crisis in European agriculture
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015) -
The Uplands after neoliberalism? - The role of the small farm in rural sustainability
(Journal article, 2011)The modernist project foresaw no role for small farms, but this can no longer be regarded as axiomatic as neoliberalism enters what Peck et al. call its “zombie phase”. This paper asks what contribution small farms in the ... -
The Weak Sustainability of the Salmon Feed Transition in Norway – A Bioeconomic Case Study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019) -
The Western European countryside from an Eastern European perspective: Case of migrant workers in Norwegian agriculture
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014) -
"There is always a reverse of a medal" A narrative approach to area designations, farming and tourism in Geiranger, western Norway
(Rapport;09/2008, Research report, 2008)This report is a slightly revised version of my master's thesis in Development studies. I approach the interplay between farming and tourism in the Norwegian countryside using narrative and discourse analysis. Geiranger ... -
Three Wind Farm Developments, Three Different Planning Difficulties: Cases from Denmark
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Tilbake til grunnrentelandet - ei idehistorisk utgreiing om grunnrenteskatt som prinsipp.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Tilpasset skjøtsel av verdifulle slåttemarker basert på brukererfaringer og tradisjonell og forskningsbasert kunnskap – ENGKALL
(NIBIO Rapport, Research report, 2017)Prosjektets mål har vært å evaluere avgjørende aspekter, både økologiske og samfunnsmessige, ved Handlingsplan for slåttemark. Mulighetene for adaptiv skjøtsel og bruk av tradisjonell økologisk kunnskap (TRØK) er hovedtema. ... -
Tilrettelegging for reduserte klimagassutslipp på norske gårder
(Rapport (Ruralis) (ISSN 2704-0208), Research report, 2022) -
Tilslørt, virksom og treffsikker. Evaluering av Bygdeutviklingsordningen
(NILF-Report, Research report, 2009)Bygdeutviklingsordningen - BU-ordningen - har virkemidler for å styrke investeringene i landbruksbaserte næringer. Lønnsomheten i alle landbruksbaserte næringer gir grunn til å frykte mangelfull fornyelse av produksjonsapparatet. ... -
Tiltak for å fremme bruk av tre og lokale verdikjeder ved kommunale anskaffelser
(Research report, 2022)Denne rapporten presenterer en «tiltaksmeny» for å fremme lokalbaserte verdikjeder rundt tre gjennom kommunale anbudsprosesser. Anbefalingene som gis, er formulert delvis på bakgrunn av forutsetninger og ambisjoner i ... -
Towards a cellular food future: Final recommendations from the Protein 2.0 project to Norwegian policy makers and food system actors
(Notat (Ruralis), Research report, 2023) -
Towards sustainable family farming and independent food co-operatives in Cuba? Possible lessons from Norway.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Towards the production of genetically modified strawberries which are acceptable to consumers
(Journal article, 2011)This manuscript discusses different aspects that are relevant to genetically modified strawberry plants with improved characteristics and ‘acceptable’ to consumers and growers of strawberry. It starts with a consumer ... -
Trading Growth - A Study of the Governance of Norwegian Whey Protein Concentrate Exports
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)