Browsing Publikasjoner fra CRIStin by Title
Now showing items 96-115 of 483
Doing Farm Tourism: The Intertwining Practices of Gender and Work
(Journal article, 2010)Drawing on the perspective of doing gender, Berit Brandth and Marit S. Haugen explore how women and men do gender in farm tourist work. On the basis of five case studies of farms that have shifted from farm production to ... -
Dokumentasjonsnotat for Lokalsamfunnsundersøkelsen 2011
(Research report, 2012) -
Dovrefjells moralske landskap
(Rapport;4-2013, Research report, 2013)Dovrefjell har en spesiell posisjon i norsk bevissthet og historie gjennom sine høyt skattede natur- og kulturverdier, blant annet som et leveområde for deler av den siste gjenlevende villreinstammen i Europa. Likeledes ... -
Dreaming of a Smallholding
(Journal article, 2010)The article examines a phenomenon associated with the rural idyll – the dream of becoming the owner of a smallholding in the countryside. Much research and policy concern in Norway have focused upon rural–urban migration ... -
Dreaming of a Smallholding
(Journal article, 2010)The article examines a phenomenon associated with the rural idyll – the dream of becoming the owner of a smallholding in the countryside. Much research and policy concern in Norway have focused upon rural–urban migration ... -
Dreaming of a Smallholding
(Journal article, 2010)The article examines a phenomenon associated with the rural idyll – the dream of becoming the owner of a smallholding in the countryside. Much research and policy concern in Norway have focused upon rural–urban migration ... -
Drivers of change in Norwegian agricultural land control and the emergence of rental farming
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014) -
Dyretragedier – hvordan nå informantene?
(Notat (Norsk senter for bygdeforskning), Research report, 2012) -
Effects for global agriculture of country-specific climate policy regimes with a focus on methane
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)While countries have agreed in the Paris-agreement on common rules to report GHG emissions, the design of domestic climate policy regimes remains in the national domain. This may cause different carbon prices for climate ... -
Eiendomsoverbyggende samarbeid for skogeiere i kystskogbruket – utfordrende, men med stort potensiale
(Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning, Research report, 2014) -
Eiendomsoverbyggende samarbeid i skogbruket — en kartlegging
(Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning, Research report, 2010) -
Electrifying the road: Navigating the transition to electric vehicles in Connecticut through hybrid insights and fleet evolution
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Elite discourses of regional identity in a new regionalism development scheme: The case of the 'Mountain Region' in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2009) -
Embodying the Rural Idyll in Farm Tourist Hosting
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014) -
En begynnende kartlegging av kunnskaps- og kompetansesystemet for skogbruk i Trøndelag i 2018
(Research report, 2021) -
En gjennomgang av odelsloven, konsesjonsloven og jordloven og endringer i nyere tid. Notat 5/06
(Research report, 2006) -
Enacting sustainable transitions: A case of biogas production and public transport in Trøndelag, Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The background for this paper was a wish to extend the understanding of how sustainable transitions in sociotechnical systems come about, especially the characteristics of processes and the role of actors. The empirical ... -
Endret jordbruk – spredte arealer
(Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning, Research report, 2020)