Artikler: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 240
Fishing businesses, women's entrepreneurship, and the performance of femininity
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Psychological factors influencing consumer intentions to consume cultured meat, fish and dairy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Fornybar energi og landskapskvalitet: en utfordring for medvirkning i planprosesser
(Journal article, 2021)Økt utbygging av energiproduksjon fra fornybare kilder fremmes som en løsning for å begrense klimaendringer og kompensere for redusert tilgang på fossile energikilder. På tross av generell støtte for ‘grønn energi’ kan ... -
Land use planning in disputed mountain areas: conflicting interests and common arenas
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Travels in imaginary landscapes: An analysis of four cultural historic guidebooks
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012) -
From Family to Domestic and Global Labour? A Decade of Proletarisation of Labour in the Norwegian Horticulture Industry
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)This paper analyses the profound structural transformations that took place in Norway's horticulture industry between 1999 and 2010. The aggregate industrial outputs from the industry remained stable in this period. However, ... -
Crowdfunding of Climate Mitigation Measures in Agriculture: Developing a Sustainable Business Model Concept
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
What Is a Farm? Mental Framing and Reframing as Tools in Communication between Agricultural Advisors and Farmers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Crowdfunding Sustainability
(Chapter, 2020) -
Electrifying the road: Navigating the transition to electric vehicles in Connecticut through hybrid insights and fleet evolution
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Psychological factors influencing consumer intentions to consume cultured meat, fish and dairy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Same but different: On continuity and change in agricultural policy reforms
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article contributes to the Historical Institutionalism literature on stability and change by unpacking how an institution has persisted for more than 70 years despite substantial contextual changes. The overall stability ... -
Bonden som fôrprodusent til lakseoppdrett
(Others, 2024) -
Landscape Democracy and the Implementation of Renewable Energy Facilities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Effects for global agriculture of country-specific climate policy regimes with a focus on methane
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)While countries have agreed in the Paris-agreement on common rules to report GHG emissions, the design of domestic climate policy regimes remains in the national domain. This may cause different carbon prices for climate ... -
Socio-cultural conditions for social acceptance of bioeconomy transitions: the case of Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Three Wind Farm Developments, Three Different Planning Difficulties: Cases from Denmark
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Mjølketank med klimastempel – jordbruk, økologisk modernisering og «motvekst»
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Good Animal Welfare in Norwegian Farmers’ context. Can both industrial and natural conventions be achieved in the social license to farm?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)