Blar i Ruralis Brage på forfatter "Haugen, Marit S."
Ageing in Norwegian rural and urban communities
Blekesaune, Arild; Haugen, Marit S. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)This paper, based on data from two recent national surveys of the residents of municipalities in Norway, compares rural and urban elderly people’s degree of satisfaction with locally available services and their reported ... -
Attitudes Toward Immigrants in Rural Norway. A Rural-Urban Comparison
Zahl-Thanem, Alexander; Haugen, Marit S. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019) -
Besøkende på gårdsturismeanlegg
Haugen, Marit S.; Midtgård, Trude Mariane (Rapport;03/2009, Research report, 2009)Rapporten inneholder resultatene fra en undersøkelse gjort blant norske og utenlandske gjester på sju norkse gårdsturismebedrifter. Undersøkelsen ble gjennomført sommeren 2008. Målet med undersøkelsen var blant annet å si ... -
Bygdeturisme og gårdsmat i Norge. En nasjonal kartlegging
Kroken, Arild; Storstad, Oddveig; Haugen, Marit S. (Rapport;04/2009, Research report, 2009)Kartleggingsundersøkelsen bygger på svar fra 298 medlemmer av HANEN (tidligere Norsk Bygdeturisme og Gardsmat) som ble gjennomført våren 2009. Kartleggingen omfatter blant annet data om hvem aktørene er, bakgrunn og ... -
Case studies of farm demonstration in Norway report 1: Promoting optimal soil culture
Sivertsvik, Rita; Haugen, Marit S. (Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning, Research report, 2018) -
Case studies of farm demonstration in Norway report 2: Promoting berry production in plastic tunnels
Sivertsvik, Rita; Haugen, Marit S. (Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning, Research report, 2018) -
Embodying the Rural Idyll in Farm Tourist Hosting
Brandth, Berit; Haugen, Marit S. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014) -
Farm couple breakup and rural local support
Haugen, Marit S.; Brandth, Berit; Follo, Gro Irene (Paper;01/2012, Working paper, 2012)The main focus of this paper is on how farmers in Norway use their local social networks for help and support in situations of relationship breakup. The breakup of a farm family can be a stressful process that may generate ... -
Farm diversification into tourism - Implications for social identity?
Brandth, Berit; Haugen, Marit S. (Journal article, 2011)This article deals with how diversification and transformation of farming into tourism may influence the social identity of farmers. Based on a study of 19 farms run by couples engaged with agritourism, it shows how the ... -
Farm tourism and dilemmas of commercial activity in the home
Brandth, Berit; Haugen, Marit S. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)This article aims to analyse the overlap between work and home in farm tourism. When farmers diversify their production into tourism using their homes as a commercial arena for hosting visitors, new challenges regarding ... -
Farm Tourism: A Question of Gender and Competence
Brandth, Berit; Haugen, Marit S.; Kroken, Arild (Journal article, 2011)This article focuses on farm-tourist hosts and who they are in terms of education and competence. Gender is a central variable in the analysis. The analysis is based on an on-line survey of 448 farm tourist businesses ... -
Farm, family, and myself: farm women dealing with family break-up
Haugen, Marit S.; Brandth, Berit; Follo, Gro Irene (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015) -
Farm-based day care on the market: The case of dementia care services in Norway
Farstad, Maja; Logstein, Brit; Haugen, Marit S.; O`Connor, Deirdre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Frivillighetens plass i distriktskommuners eldreomsorg. En forprosjektrapport
Haugen, Marit S.; Logstein, Brit (Research report, 2016) -
Gender Identities and Divorce among Farmers in Norway
Haugen, Marit S.; Brandth, Berit (Chapter, 2017) -
Innvandrere og integrering i bygd og by. Komparative analyser mellom rurale og urbane kommuner.
Thanem, Alexander; Farstad, Maja; Haugen, Marit S. (Research report, 2017) -
Lokalsamfunn i perspektiv
Haugen, Marit S.; Villa, Mariann (Chapter, 2016) -
Lokalsamfunnets betydning for eldre i bygd og by
Blekesaune, Arild; Haugen, Marit S. (Chapter, 2016) -
Naturbasert gårdsturisme - utfordringer og muligheter
Haugen, Marit S.; Brandth, Berit; Kramvig, Britt (Forskningsglimt;02/2010, Research report, 2010)Naturbaserte reiselivs- og opplevelsesnæringer antas å ha et stort utviklingspotensial i Bygde- Norge. For mange landbrukshushold vil utvikling av nye næringsområder med utgangspunkt i gårdsressursene være viktig for ... -
Paradoxes of a Women's Organization in the Forestry Industry
Brandth, Berit; Follo, Gro Irene; Haugen, Marit S. (Chapter, 2015)